Computer Music
I find myself a believer in removing the risk factor of performance. Once a computer has been programmed correctly, the performance is flawless, perfect every time, effortless, beautiful, a perpetuation of the singular creative act. This is why the computer is my primary instrument. I am intimately familiar with the weaknesses and shortcomings of the human body and mind. Even with the strictest of disciplines, we still make mistakes, we still cause impurities, we still fall short at times of our ideals. The computer changes this. All we have to do is distill that one pure thing, get it right once and only once, and the computer perpetuates it, replicates it, does all the heavy lifting.
The computer enables the laziest of men to achieve their deepest ambitions. Virtuosity is dead.
I have taken the path of least resistance.
The process is still not totally pure, however. There remains some meat between the creative spark and the final product. Until such time as we can jack in to our thought process and transfer Creation directly to a space outside the body and outside the mind, there will be unrealized efficiencies to chase.
Sad to think it's only the domain of lameass sci-fi these days. My dream is more universal and comprehensive than any hokey niche term like "wetware" or "cybernetics", and I refuse to truck with people who traffic in such terms. I don't believe in no damn space aliens. I don't even believe in Myself, or at least the comprehensive Total Meat of Myself. But I do believe in that creative spark. In that impulse, we know the nature of God.
Technology is the vehicle, and will perhaps someday enable us to transcend the physical necessity. Imagine, unlimited things to Make and Do, and nothing more in the Doing than in the Thinking...
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